TOTAL400-FW (File Works) (The Best DB Utility!)


TOTAL400-FW is a Powerful and Easy to use tool that enables you to: Display, Update, and Manage your iSeries Database without programming. It has the same features of other vendor's File Editors and much more!   Be sure to check out our feature list towards the bottom of this page!


TOTAL400-File Works provides both Ease of Use and greater usability for programmers where you need it. A key component is the Real-Time file CATALOG display that allows you to invoke various functions (SEU of DDS, DLTF, DSP: Fields / Formats / Keys / Select&Omit, View/Change Data [File Editor], DSP DB Relationships, CRTDUPOBJ, CPYF, etc...) against the selected files. These file CATALOGs are similar to IBM's WRKF and WRKOBJPDM commands, only they are much better.  As you can see, this is more than just a FILE EDITOR; it was designed to be an Environment from where you can perform all of your Database management tasks.  However, if you prefer working from PDM or a command line, you can easily invoke any of the TOTAL400 File Works functions in several ways (Menu driven, PDM Options, Fast path WRK Commands, or our abbreviated Commands).  In summary, TOTAL400 File Works has been designed to provide you: with the functions that you need, where you need them, and with ease of execution.


File Catalogs: TOTAL/400-FW provides a Real-Time "Work-With" subfile display of all the Database files on your system similar to IBM's WRKF and WRKOBJPDM commands. However, it will allow you to see files in all libraries (except QTEMP) at once; and provides the list in 2 sort sequences (by Library/File Name or File Name/Library). In addition, the list can be subset and provides Wild Card searches. Also, the "Work-With" subfile options are extensive and provide you with the ability to perform most any database management function required.

File Editor: TOTAL400-FW provides a "State-of-the-Art" file editor that allows you to: Display, Add, Change, or Delete data within your database files instantly without any programming required. Data records can be sorted and/or selected using Query like definitions. Fields can be resequenced and selected. Record formats and members can be selected. It also supports field re-definition (sub-fields) and flat (S/36 or Non DDS) files. Printed data reports and audit reports are available also. But the best thing about it, is that you do not have to know a specific logical file to edit that is in the sequence that you need. Instead you can specify any file (LF or PF) and generate ad hoc key paths with dynamic record selection. This makes finding records fast and easy compared to other File Editor utilities.

Mass Change: provides a powerful Query and Mass Execution capability. The Mass Execution functions include: Change, Delete, and a "What-If" Reporting. In addition to providing an Audit Trail report, a "Roll-Back" capability is provided to allow you to undo any changes made. Change definitions are easy to create using prompted input screens similar to Query generators; and can be saved for future use.

Work With File Members: TOTAL400-FW provides much needed functions like the Work With File Members that you won't find in other vendor's products. The Work With File Members display shows valuable information (some of which you will not find anywhere else) about the status of your files. Information includes: size, index size, available space%, read cache%, record counts, deleted record count%, create date, last used date, and days used. The read cache percentage is an especially nice nugget of information, since we know of no display that will give you this information. It is an important programming performance factor that can be used to determine if new or existing programs are processing the file efficiently (an average of 90% or better is desireable).

File Relationships: provides a powerful Work-With subfile display of related files (PF to LFs, or LF to PF) and shows valuable information such as: file name, library, type of dependency, description text, select/omit, and a key fields list. The display of Select/Omit and Keys is especially useful in reducing or avoiding the creation of redundant (multiple LFs with the same access paths) logical files.

Work With Fields & Formats: provides the ability to select a file's record formats and view the fields sorted by position or name. Field name, length, number of decimal positions, type, from position, to position, key position number, key sequence, field heading, and text description are shown.

Work With Key Fields: provides the same information as above for Key fields only.

Work With Select/Omit Fields: provides the same information as above for the Select/Omit fields; and shows the Select/Omit rules.

Field Where-Used: provides a powerful inquiry capability to determine which database files are using a specific field. This can be very useful when a change to field definition (size, type, etc...) is being considered. For example, a customer number field or employee number field is likely to be included in many different database files.

Database Management Functions: PDM like functions are provided from most display screens showing lists of database files. These functions include: Edit DDS, CRTDUPOBJ, DLTF, DSPPFM, WRKOBJ, DSPOBJD, Rename, DSPFD, SAVOBJ, RSTOBJ, MOVOBJ, Change Text Description, CPYF, Change using a DFU, Find a String, Compare, and View or Change Data using TOTAL/400-FW file editor.

Fix Decimal Data Errors: is a powerful and easy to use function that will automatically correct your decimal data within your database. This is especially useful for data files that have originated on systems other than a iSeries, or where programs running on the iSeries update files using internal record layouts. The problem that occurs, is that the iSeries does not like leading blanks within a numeric field. TOTAL/400 File Works will convert those leading blanks to zeros for you.

Generate or Create Field Definitions: allows users to take better advantage of the File Editor (please note that the file editor will work Without field definitions) and the Mass Change functions. Fields can be generated from program I-specs or input. In addition, subfields can be defined to gain the ability to manipulate data within a field.



Find out how you can make life easier by Working Smarter. The chances are that you will be spending a high percentage of your time working with databases; therefore you owe it to yourself and your company to see first hand the many benefits of TOTAL400 File Works.

If you have any questions or would like a FREE TRIAL of TOTAL/400 File Works, then CLICK on FREE TRIAL or call 1-702-240-7332 and we will be happy to help you.

Copyright (C) 2011 ADEonics, Inc., all rights reserved.